We were told to create a quick and basic model of a person
that contained a very low amount of polygons. I created a model without a head
and hands to save time, and then exported it into Mudbox, where detail could be
added to the body and the shape could be smoothed and manipulated easily. I
found this to be a lot quicker than 3Ds Max and more flexible, but not as
I then unwrapped the model so that it was ready for a
texture to be painted onto it, as Mudbox requires this. Exporting the model
into Mudbox again, I took some images of clothes like jeans and a shirt and
then made them into a stencil, which allows you to paint parts of the image
onto the model directly. By doing this method, it was much quicker than
applying the texture in 3Ds Max and was easy to apply the textures to curves in
to model without it stretching. I found it surprising that you couldn’t see
where the brush strokes were in the texture after you had finished. Finally, i
exported it into 3Ds Max for editing later.

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